Frederick Code and Coffee: February Edition!

On Sun., Feb. 25, 2024 from 1pm to 4pm
At 15 E 6th St, Frederick, MD 21701

Happy February!


The host is out of the country this month. However, as part of a larger push towards getting all of the local tech meetups on a consistent schedule, we're scheduling this meet-up anyway. It'll be at the usual place and time. We're also looking for a co-host that's interested in taking on hosting duties if there are other times the host can't make it.


Come join us for some afternoon networking. Bring your questions, laptops, and enthusiasm!

Around the start of the event, we'll do intros, then break out to do whatever we'd like. This will be an informal event overall, so no worries if you can't make it right at 2:00.

We're headed to Gravel & Grind this month. I'm always on the lookout for a local, comfortable place, that's accessible and easy to find. This place really fits the bill. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Visit the event scheduling website for all other details and how to RSVP.