Frederick Tech Open Workshop - 3rd Saturday
Do you want to work on technology with other tech people in the Frederick area? Do you have questions and need some help from experts? Do you want to get to know more techie folks in the area to forge friendships or grow your network? Then you should come to this monthly workshop.
The tech meetups of Frederick organize an open workshop every 3rd Saturday of each month.
You can either work on a common project selected for the day or bring your own project and enlist the help of others. The goal is to have fun with other tech people in the area. Bring your laptop or just bring yourself! We have a blast and we hope you’ll join in.
You'll also find this event listed with other local meetups. Here are all the groups that are participating:
* [AWS Frederick](
* [Frederick Open Source (FOS)](
* [Frederick WebTech](
* [Python Frederick](
* [WordPress Frederick](